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Plantation Employee Records Now Available to Search

This is a partial record. If your search produces no results, please contact us.

HC&S and MACo "Breeze" Newspapers Now Available to Search

Type "Breeze" in the search box after clicking button below.




The Alexander & Baldwin Sugar Museum collection focuses on Maui plantation life and work in the field and mill.  The collection contains various artifacts relating to work, household, religion and leisure activities.  Other items in the collection include photographs, books, maps, visual media, some

employment records and periodicals.

Access to the collection is by appointment only.  Walk-ins will not be admitted.  Restrictions on what may be retrieved may apply.  Please submit form below. Your selection of date and time are not guaranteed. We will contact you to confirm your appointment and provide you with more information.

Overview of Collection​

Employment records: This is a partial record. Personnel records from Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Company and Maui Agricultural Company dating from the early 1920s through the 1940s. Some of the information available in these records include place of birth, date of birth, schooling, bango number, house number, village resided in, arrival date in Hawaii on ship name, date, country of origin, dependents, type of work performed and employment dates.


Maps: includes Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Company and Maui Agricultural Company plantation maps of fields, irrigation and camps.  Also included are maps of Kahului Town and other town sites, and schematic drawings of plantation and mill equipment. 


Oral Histories: interviews with island residents of various social and ethnic backgrounds. 


Periodicals: original newspapers of the Maui Record, a quadrilingual newspaper.  Issues dating from 1916-December 5, 1941.  Original newspapers of the Maui Agricultural Company “Breeze” and Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Company “Breeze,” 1948-1968, containing information on the life and activities of the plantations and mill, employees, community events.  A&B magazines, “A&B Banner,” January 1969-May 1972, “Maui Today,” June 1972-1993, “A&B Ampersand,” Winter 1967-Spring 1999, “A&B Week,” December 1983-December 1985 and May 22, 1987. 


Photographs: all aspects of the sugar process from planting to raw sugar and molasses production, agricultural research, mill operations, plantation work, field operations, field equipment, railroad and trains, plantation life, community events, churches, schools, celebrations, entertainment, aerial views and development of Kahului. 


Objects: tools, household, religion, field equipment, mill operations, fabric, clothing, store fixtures. 


Books: sugar industry technical manuals, annual reports of Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Company and Hawaii Sugar Planters’ Association, family histories, cultural and ethnic groups, and general interest of the islands of Hawaii. 


Audio/Visual Collection: video and digital video, voice recordings.


Documents: Select documents regarding the business activities of Alexander & Baldwin, Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Company, Maui Agricultural Company, East Maui Irrigation, Kahului Railroad Company, Kahului Development Company


Alexander & Baldwin

Physical Address:
3957 Hansen Rd, Puunene, HI 96784
Mailing Address:
PO Box 125, Puunene, HI 96784


Monday          10-2
Tuesday          10-2
Wednesday    10-2
Thursday         10-2
Last Admission at 1 pm.
Closed Independence Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years Day.


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